Little Leslie looked out the window at a large snow bank that blocked the sidewalk to the front door. He decided to do something about it. Bundling up in his warmest clothes, he got a snow shovel, went outside and began to remove the snow.
His neighbor was walking by and said to him, “How can such a small child like you expect to remove so much snow?”
Looking the man in the eye he said, “My Dad said that if I don’t give up and keep at something, I can always get through it!”
The committed person is not the one who sees through something. The committed person is the one who sees something through!
Paul said that Christians are to “stay true to the Lord.” This is often difficult to do unless we remind ourselves continually to keep our eyes on Jesus and never forget that this world is not our home.
George Whitfield constantly prayed, “Lord keep a thorn in my nest so I won’t get too comfortable and forget that I am here on this earth to work for You every day of my life.”
Prayer: Lord, may everything about us show those around us that we are faithful and true to You, our Savior. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Philippians 4:1 Therefore, my beloved and longed-for brethren, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, beloved.
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